The Concept of Event Management has caught on like wildfire in the last few years. Anything new does face stiff resistance. Likewise the concept of hiring professionals to put together and manage an event is also being scoffed at and resented by many. The scenario is not so bad as far as the Corporate arena is concerned where time is the essence and the corporate management realises the importance of professional competence as a vital ingredient in making an event successful.
Where Wedding Planning is concerned there is still a lot of skepticism in getting Event managers involved. Many fear the loss of personal touch and the likely rise in cost while budgeting an event. On the contrary many don t realise that when a Wedding is handled by an Event Manager the client has less to worry about with more time to interact with and take care of the guests. Moreover a lot of money is saved since the best of services are made available for the client to choose from at his doorstep and in keeping with the client’s budget. There is less of stress and value for money. How?
An understanding of how the conduct of weddings has changed over the years will help in understanding the need for this transition better. In olden days the weddings were conducted in one’s own huge household in the village, with the rituals being spread over several days. Alliances were fixed within the family or by reference through common relatives or known acquaintances.
Family members from far and wide were present to pitch in and help in the purchase of and making of all arrangements.Friends and relatives readily lent their houses to accommodate the groom’s party extending hospitality services in every possible manner. The women folk participated actively and even the Seer Bakshanams were made at home in the back yard using huge ovens fulled by wooden logs – however huge the number along with all the sweet meats and savories required for the wedding.
The family jeweler or ‘Thattaan’ made all the jewels. There were no beauticians or Mehendi artists and all the hair dos and mehendi was done by close friends or relatives. A camera was a rarity and hence wedding photos also scarce. Honey Moon meant visit to family temples and special poojas. .
As people slowly moved out to the cities the traditions underwent a change. Houses could no longer accommodate huge crowds and hence Mandapams were rented. Cooks were hired but all items required were bought and given. Then the decorators came into the scene. Special Music troupes and bands were hired. Then came the photographers & video graphers with all their professional services. Travel agents came up with special honey moon packages. Hotels were booked for accommodating the groom’s party and other relatives. Then came the concept of service apartments.
As time passed specialized catering services have cropped up – North Indian, South Indian, Chinese etc.And slowly we are seeing the transition to specialized services in every avenue. Exclusive portals for matrimonial alliances have sprung up in huge numbers offering horoscope matching and all related services. Ever heard of specialized stall for Paan at weddings or customized Arathi Plates for display and use at weddings?
Although the length of the weddings has been brought down to a maximum of 2 days one sees additional events cropping up like Mehndi & Sangeeth parties, Bachelor Parties, Post wedding dinners etc. The choice of vendors under each element has increased by leaps and bounds as people discover the huge financial potential for these services.
Weddings have also now become a platform to showcase one’s social standing and monetary prowess.
It has reached a stage where the client is confused about what and where to choose from and many a time burns his fingers making the wrong choice. Plus the frustration of making time to source and decide on a service is a painful and stress filled exercise.
Enter Event Mangers
For a nominal fee an Event Management Company not only plans your wedding to the last detail according to your budget but also lets you enjoy the event, for the success of which you have slogged all your life. Plus one has the advantage of making the wedding or event unique.
Haritham Event was conceived with precisely this point in mind. As Event Managers we strive to make every wedding as different and unique as possible. For creativity sky is the limit. And weddings offer a huge canvas in which imaginative perspectives can be brought in giving /creating unforgettable moments for the client.
As wedding planners we are quite focused to ensure basic adherence to our rich tradition and culture. Haritham Events believes in adding that touch of class and excitement even to things that appear seemingly mundane and boring. A proper understanding of the various traditions helps us in suggesting appropriate alternatives and options to the client.
Right from handling a big fat no – budget – constraint wedding to organising a small and limited budget wedding, from temple weddings to destination weddings – every assignment is a challenge to our creative faculty. And we love to face these challenges and bring out the best for you. At Haritham we treat your event as our own and look to making a huge success out of it. At the end of the day we derive as much satisfaction as your happiness in putting up a show par excellence.
We spare no efforts in understanding your needs and matching them with the best available. Event Management is not just about bringing things together. It is doing so with your signature touch. You only need to communicate your ideas and we do the thinking for you.
Once you come to Haritham Events there will be looking no further. We conceive , plan and execute your idea to the last detail. We believe in not just creating events but unforgettable memories !!